The Delphino FREE Guestbook - Problems

This page should help you to find the proper settings for the Microsoft Internet Explorer
if you have problems with the log-in or with some other features of this site :

1. I login with th right password but after I press the Log-In-Button I'll get the error message that my browser is rejecting cookies!!!

Usually the simple problem is, that your Browser (Internet Explorer) is rejecting all standard-cookies (the cookie on this site is only needed to save your Session-ID).

Please got to the "INTERNET OPTIONS" and the tab "PRIVACY" and set the selectionbar eighter to LOW or to ACCEPT ALL COOKIES.

Cookies are nothig to be concerned about. They only can be read by the website which created them.

2. I am logged in but if I click on an image in the Gallery nothing happens !!!

The problem might be, that your Browser (Internet Explorer) is rejecting all javascripts due to a too high security level :

The maximum security level which this side runs with is MEDIUM. So please got to the "INTERNET OPTIONS" tab "SECURITY" and select this or a lower security level.

3. I am logged in and when I try to write a post at the board I cannot use the INLINE functionality !!!

The problem might be, that your Browser (Internet Explorer) is rejecting all javascripts due to a too high security level :

(see #2 for help with solving this problem)